For The Love Of Things

Discover MAP Artists

Still life is one of the principal genres of visual art, and essentially includes subjects that do not move. These can be all kinds of natural objects, most commonly fruits and flowers, but also man-made items. Still life artworks usually celebrate material pleasures such as food and wine, but sometimes also act as a warning of the ephemerality of these pleasures and of human life itself.

In this pack, learn more about the genre, spend time creating a nature-inspired still life for yourself, try storytelling using still lifes and more!

This Discover MAP pack includes: 

  • Learn more about the genre of still life and the many ways in which artists have experimented with it.
  •  Activity Sheet – Make a still life painting using nature as inspiration!
  • Stories with Art – Add interesting texts to your still life painting and see what stories emerge!

[ZIP file with 3 PDFs]
