Youth Engagement

Community Check-in

2024-10-05 08:08:42

Community Check-in


July 29, 2023    
10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Bookings closed


HDFC Ltd. Learning Centre, Museum of Art & Photography
22 Kasturba Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560001
Map Unavailable

Untitled, Bhuri Bai, c. 2018, Digital File, H. 76.5 cm, W. 56.3 cm, PTG.01804

After a successful first edition, we are now back with the second COMMUNITY CHECK-IN @ the Museum to explore our creative sides and celebrate togetherness. 

This time we are collating all the different parts of ourselves and dreaming up a landscape that expresses our experiences of being young. Let’s celebrate our individuality as well as the collective spirit as we explore what being young means to us through collages. Paint and craft materials will be provided, but it would be great if you could bring bits and bobs that resonate with you and represent how you define youth. 

Following this, we’ll have a small brunch table set up with snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. Please note that we only have limited seats available, so do register to confirm your slot at the table. 

This programme is exclusively for 18–25 year olds. 

This session is conducted as part of our engagements for the MAP OSCH Collective. The MAP OSCH (Our Shared Cultural Heritage) Collective is a community for young people (18-25 year olds) to engage with the arts and culture sector. The collective is for, of and by young people — to explore our shared identities and interests through art.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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