It’s been a minute since the OSCH Collective has been up and running. We are excited to host our first COMMUNITY CHECK-IN at the museum. An up-cycling hang where we each bring a pair of old jeans or t-shirt to life as we re-paint, embroider and mark each other’s piece of clothing. All paint and embroidery materials will be provided. Following this, we are hosting small tables laid with snacks and non-alcoholic drinks.
This session is conducted as part of our engagements for the MAP OSCH Collective. The MAP OSCH Collective is a community for young people (18-25 year olds) to engage with the arts and culture sector. The collective is for, of and by young people — to explore our shared identities and interests through art.
This event is fully booked.
Handle with Care May 23, 2023
Cut, Copy, Paste December 16, 2023
Words Left Unsaid January 11, 2025
Off Label: Exploring Personal Perspectives on Art June 16, 2023