The New Indian Express

Reclaiming Sepia: Shanthamani’s photomontages show photos of the city, its cultural scene from 2006 to 2008

“It takes a local to understand the irony in Bengaluru-based artist Shanthamani M’s latest work. Featured in ‘Past Continuous’, an online exhibition organised by MAP (Museum of Art and Photography), her art laments development’s inexorable bulldoze that has built over the vibrancy of the past. The universality of the work will call to outsiders too.

Shanthamani has created photomontages from her photographs of the city and its cultural scene from 2006 to 2008; the period when Bengaluru was riding the dotcom wave. The city, she had thought then, would make a fantastic study of how artificial development intrudes into existing spaces. In the photomontages, the clashes between the past and the present are clearly visible.”

Read the full story in The New Indian Express here.

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