Jagadeesh Ramanujam Mudambi, Madhuri Jagadeesh, Mythili Anantharaman, Jataveda Banerjee, Phil Scarff, Karthik Mani, Prathima Rohini
(Detail) Sawan 2 (From the Song Space series), Nilima Sheikh, 1995, India, Casein tempera on canvas, Image: H. 287 cm, W. 158 cm, MAC.00684-1.
How do we relate to the emotion in someone’s voice when they’re singing in a language we don’t understand? What is it about a lullaby or the sound of someone humming that can comfort us even when it’s unfamiliar? How is it that a catchy beat can uplift our spirits, get us swaying, or get our feet tapping to the rhythm even unawares?
The sensorial power in music, that may belong to different cultures, times, locations, nevertheless finds common threads of connection with us. It also brings people together, connecting us in unexpected and profound ways. Exploring this universal language of music and sound is a special performance at MAP by MoonArra where we celebrate the confluence of different strands of music, bringing together the power of voice, instrument and movement in a harmonised choreography.
From the classical structures of ragas, the resonant chants of hymns to the creative improvisational element of jazz, the concert explores how strains of music communicate not only with us, but also each other. This ensemble performance, brings together Jagadeesh Ramanujam Mudambi, Madhuri Jagadeesh, Mythili Anantharaman, Jataveda Banerjee, Phil Scarff, Karthik Mani and Prathima Rohini, showcasing original compositions by MoonArra with vocal and instrumental arrangements as well as movement to convey stories, both old and new.
Bookings are closed for this event.
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