The play traces the journey of a group of performers who set out on a search for Chenni – an iconic character who ruled the Kannada stage with her double-meaning dialogues and sexual innuendo. While trying to find her, they stumble upon several other actresses who had their own stories to share. Will they eventually meet Chenni? What will they discover? Project Darling is an incisive examination of female sexuality at the crossroads of censorship and culture.
The play is based on a research project where the director interviewed several current and erstwhile female performers from Kannada theatre. The play juxtaposes videos, photos and soundscapes from her research with song, dance, puppetry and clowning as it seeks to rewrite Kannada Rangabhoomi’s women performers back into our cultural history…on our own terms. Supported by India Foundation for the Arts (IFA) research grant, reFrame Genderalities fellowship and developed at Nirdigantha – an incubation centre for theatre by national award-winning actor Prakash Raj.
Please note that the play is in Kannada with English subtitles
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