
Conservation: Now and the Future

2025-02-10 21:20:23

Julian Bickersteth, Anupam Sah, Kate Seymour, Luiz A C Souza, Vinod Daniel

Conservation: Now and the Future


February 16, 2021    
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm

This panel discussion brings together four experts in collections conservation to explore the contemporary state of the profession – its opportunities and challenges – while also reflecting on the future of the field, particularly in developing countries. From the promotion of heritage conservation to the development of human resources, this panel will discuss a range of issues and deliberate a road map for this sector as it readjusts post pandemic.

Anupam Sah

Heritage Conservation-Restoration Practitioner, Strategist and Educator

Anupam Sah founded Anupam Heritage Lab (India) Pvt. Ltd. and the Himalayan Society for Heritage and Art Conservation. He currently serves as the Head of Art Conservation, Research, and Training at CSMVS Museum, Mumbai. His services as a heritage conservation advisor have been sought by various national and international cultural institutions. Sah has also been conferred with the ‘Sanskriti Award for Social and Cultural Achievement’, UNESCO commendations, and ‘Knighthood of the Order of the Star of Italy’ for excellence in art conservation.

Julian Bickersteth

Private Conservator and Consultant

Julian Bickersteth is a Sydney-based conservator running a private conservation practice he established in the late 1980s, which is now the largest in Australia. He is the President of IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic work) and consults on conservation projects around the world. He has always been interested in the sustainability of collection care and helped drive the joint ‘IIC/ICOM-CC 2014 Declaration on Environmental Guidelines’.

Kate Seymour

Art Historian and Painting Conservator

Kate Seymour is an art historian and a trained painting conservator with a Masters of Arts in the Conservation of Easel Paintings from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle (1999). She currently works at Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL), Maastricht (Netherlands) as a painting conservator and is the Head of Education at this institution. In addition, she leads the Indian Conservation Fellowship Program (ICFP) at SRAL (2013-2023), which provides training and mentoring of mid-career conservators employed in Indian conservation institutions.
Seymour is also a second term member of the ICOM-CC Directory Board, where she holds office as Chair (2020-2023).

Luiz A C Souza

Professor in Conservation Science

Luiz A C Souza is a professor in Conservation Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He is the Director of CECOR (Centre for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties, School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Minas Gerais). Souza was the former ICOM-CC Board Member for four terms (90’s and 2000’s); Former ICCROM Council Member for two terms (20011-2015) and a Research Fellow at the Getty Conservation Institute (1992-94). Luiz also holds the prestigious position as President of ‘Antecipa’ the Brazilian National Association for Research in Technology and Heritage Science.

Vinod Daniel (Moderator)

Board Member, ICOM

Vinod Daniel has worked with the Getty Conservation Institute (1990-95), the Australia Museum (1995-2010) and on other museum-related projects in over 60 countries, published and presented over 70 papers. He holds a number of positions including as Chairman of the Board for AusHeritage, Board Member of the International Council of Museums, CEO of Daniel Aspac Pty Ltd and Chief Executive Officer and Managing Trustee of the India Vision Institute. He was awarded the ‘Indo-Australian Award’ for Meritorious Service by the Indo Australian Association in 2009, the ‘International Council of Museums Australia Award’ for International Relations in 2011 amongst others.

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