Aparna Jaishankar, Vikram Sridhar
Join storytellers Aparna Jaishankar and Vikram Sridhar, as they take us on a mythical and magical journey, highlighting stories from various versions of the Ramayana; from well-known texts to lesser-known folk legends. Playing off each other, they will present complementary, parallel, and contested narratives through prose, poetry and dialogue in this unique performance. Looking closely at a few select folios from one of MAP’s exhibitions, they explore diverse themes, particularly ecology, an aspect often overlooked in the Ramayana.
This event has been conceptualised as part of the exhibition, Book of Gold: The Kanchanachitra Ramayana of Banaras curated by Kavita Singh and Parul Singh. The exhibition displays nearly 80 folios from an extraordinary illustrated manuscript of the Ramcharitmanas — bringing them together for the first time in a public display.
You can book the tickets for the event here (On the spot bookings are also available).
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